Skincare E-Commerce Marketing Calendar 2024

Every hour, there’s Happy Hour somewhere. And just like that, every day there’s a reason for celebration — be it something global like Christmas or something more niche, like, the National Selfie Day (celebrated on June 21st). Be it as it may, so many occasions to mark mean multiple ways to use them for your gain. 

As we step into 2024, the digital landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, and so is the realm of retail. In this comprehensive guide, we’re about to unfold the ultimate e-Commerce marketing calendar for 2024 - a roadmap designed to navigate the ebb and flow of trends, consumer behaviour shifts, and strategic marketing opportunities throughout the year. 

Whether you’re an established e-commerce powerhouse or just starting your digital retail journey, join us as we dive into a year-long ride of celebrations and occasions that will help elevate your brand in the competitive world of online business.


Kickstart the year by capitalizing on New Year resolutions and trends. You can use different marketing campaigns centred around self-improvement, wellness, and lifestyle changes. It’s the perfect theme for encouraging people to take extra care of themselves and invest in quality cosmetics products. Consider offering your customers flash sales, giveaways, coupons, or other types of promotions to engage post-holiday shoppers. 


With Valentine’s Day taking the spotlight, you shouldn’t limit yourself to traditional themes. Themes of love and heart symbols will creep out from every corner of the world — in stores, as well as online. Why not take a different road and explore creative campaigns catering to self-care, friendships, getting ready for spring, or more niche occasions, like, Galentine’s Day. Whatever you decide, remember — this is the month to enhance your brand’s emotional appeal. 


As winter fades, it’s time to tap into the spirit of renewal. You can highlight fresh beginnings, spring fashion, bright colours, botanical themes, and all things outdoors. You should think about eco-friendly initiatives for Earth Day and other ways to showcase your brand’s commitment to sustainability. Which shouldn’t be difficult, if you’re selling Selfnamed products. 


April is the ultimate spring sales month (and also tax month). Renew the sense of spending by offering promotions and fresh, perhaps even limited edition, designs. Experiment with your social media channels and blogs by incorporating interactive content such as quizzes, polls or quick games — this will help to engage your audience during springtime. In terms of cosmetics products, you can offer deals on some of our bestselling items


Celebrate moms with heartwarming campaigns and unique gift ideas. Soft tones and the spirit of gratitude and appreciation are in the main focus. When marketing cosmetics products, consider limited offers or exclusive bundles, gift sets to make Mother’s Day shopping a delightful experience for your customers. 

In the second half of the month, however, you should switch your focus to summer season. Meaning, you better have your SPF stock locked and loaded. 


Summer brings the opportunity of sizzling sales. Promote seasonal products, like the previously mentioned SPFs, holiday essentials, and items that will come in handy while being outdoors. If possible, take advantage of social media to showcase user-generated content featuring your brand in summer settings.  


In the USA, it’s all about the patriotic themes, which you should definitely keep in mind, especially if you wish to build a sense of community around your brand. However, another, broader theme that you can consider could be weddings — bridal showers, bachelorette parties and the big event itself. Target makeup artists or offer product bundles as bachelorette party favours. 


August is filled with back-to-school buzz as students prepare to head back to school. Consider using this time to offer promotions specifically for this audience. Collaborate with influencers and create content that resonates with the back-to-school vibe. Perhaps you can offer some sort of loyalty programs to retain customers for the upcoming holiday season.


Use the change of seasons as a way to also embrace fall-themed marketing. Highlight autumn fashion trends, cosy vibes, and products that are perfect for the weather outside the window. Why not host a virtual fashion show to showcase your brand’s fall collection? 

Also remember, that with the weather getting more humid, your customers might be looking for more moisturising products. 


Turn the spooky vibes all the way up to get your brand and customers into the Halloween spirit. Think about captivating marketing visuals, limited-edition Halloween-themed products, and engaging your audience with contests or user-generated content. 


Now the e-Commerce sprint starts! November marks the first part of the biggest shopping season of the year, and you definitely want to plan way in advance to make sure your store is ready. 

Plan strategic promotions, flash sales, and exclusive deals for Black Friday. Utilize the power of email marketing and social media to create the hype. If possible, offer product bundles or early-bird Christmas discounts to boost customer engagement. 


Ready to finish on a high note? It’s all about festive marketing campaigns, promoting gift ideas, exclusive holiday offers and generous giveaways. Consider implementing countdown timers to create a sense of urgency, while it also will remind your customers about the holiday cut-off dates. Let your brand’s human side shine by sharing a special message to your customer or getting involved in charitable initiatives.

How to start your own skincare line using Selfnamed

Selfnamed is here to help create your own skincare line by making the process as simple and seamless as possible. As soon as you decide on your ideal customer and product range, there are only a few simple steps to take:

  • Select product sample sets. You can choose from more than 30 high-quality, organic or natural certified skincare products made in Northern Europe.

  • Add your style. Selfnamed offers an easy-to-use design studio to create labels and packaging. You can work with pre-made print-ready templates or create your design from scratch. You can also choose our design service.

  • Start selling your products. There are no minimum orders, meaning you can easily adjust the volume to your needs.

Before making a custom order, we recommend looking at our sample set selection. These sets contain curated product lines for different skin types letting you choose the best products for your brand. This way you can test the products - their consistencies, textures, fragrances, as well as packaging quality.

There are the basic steps on how to start a skincare line from the comfort of your home. Best of luck with your new endeavour!

Marta Ķepīte

Social Media and Content Manager at Selfnamed


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